Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Getting to the people! Flood 2014

We tried to get to this village many, many times.  The water was just too high.  Do you see the blue tent in the very middle of this picture?  That's on our friends roof.  She slept on the roof for a week without food with 17 other people.  We tried hiring a back hoe to get to them - the water was too high.  We tried a boat - the boat couldn't make it.  We literally did everything we could, we even tried to find air mattresses to float to them!  It was a tough week.  When we finally did get to them it was a very wonderful reunion! 

We have an incredible team.  I don't think the Haitians always know what to do with us.  We have a lot of fun!

Everyone made fun of my Putnam County style!  My feet definitely stayed the driest for the longest!  They definitely enjoyed making fun of me ;) 

Obviously, the mucking boots didn't help too much when the water started getting this high.

When we showed up, people started getting brave and venturing off of the roofs and out of their houses.  This was where the water was lowest.  These were the "lucky" of the village.

2 months later, the water is still standing.  It doesn't have anywhere to go.  The smell is exactly the way you're imagining it!

Seriously, cute kids are everywhere!

Christela is a little on the short side. And the mud was SO deep under the water.  She got stuck and we were all too far away to save her.  She just stood there and laughed until we came back. haha!

This was difficult for us to see.  Chances are these people weren't affected by the flooding.  But they literally slept outside of the gates to this NGO.  I believe this is USAID.  Someone showed us their 'relief' supplies.  We were definitely proud of ours :)  

This is our micro loan secretary, Noufie, and her family.  They have gained SO much respect from their village after this day!  It was such an incredible day!

This is when I ended up putting my camera away because the water was getting too high.  These people hadn't made it out of their homes yet.

The next week our neighboring city of Limbe had severe flooding.  We had some odds and end extra from the original items we purchased.  We got were able to bless the people who actually lost all they have.  Some houses were even completely washed away.  

This is the church.  Believe it or not, there is ceramic under that mud!

I love this man's heart for his people! So thankful I get to do life with him!

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